Fellowship: Prumsodun Ok

Photo: Prumsodun Ok in front of the White Building @Lim Sokchanlina

New Khmer-Architecture is pleased to welcome Prumsodun Ok to our Fellowship program from 1 September to 15 December 2020. The program is our commitment to cross-disciplinary research and experiment.

About Prumsodun Ok:

Prumsodun Ok is an artist, teacher, and writer. His interdisciplinary performances contemplate the “avant-garde in antiquity,” and have been presented at Currents Festival (Cambodia), Camping Asia (Taiwan), and CTM Festival (Germany) among others. He is the recipient of prestigious grants and fellowships from TED, Dance/USA, and Hewlett 50 Arts Commissions to name a few. His talks at the TED2017 Conference and Dance/USA Annual Conference have roused audiences to their feet in ovation. Ok is the founder of Prumsodun Ok & NATYARASA, Cambodia’s first gay dance company.


Exhibition: Folding Concrete 2.0